FORCE Drawing Workshops with Michael D. Mattesi w Fenomenarium! [ 2018 ]


[PL] W czerwcu 2018 r. zorganizowaliśmy wyjątkową serię warsztatów FORCE Drawing Workshops, które po raz pierwszy w Polsce poprowadził sam Michael Mattesi, autor metody i serii książek FORCE Drawing. Była to wyjątkowa okazja wzięcia udziału w warsztatach, z których korzystali animatorzy studiów takich, jak Pixar, Disney czy DreamWorks!

Michael Mattesi mieszka w Kaliforni, od ponad 20 lat pracuje w szeroko pojętej branży Entertainment ( jako Concept Art Director, Senior Art Director, Figure Drawing Instructor, Freelance Director, Production Designer, Storyboard Artist, Layout Artist, Animator, Freelance Illustrator) oraz prowadzi szkolenia dla animatorów i innych artystów w studiach animacji i na wyższych uczelniach artystycznych. Do jego klientów należą Pixar, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Consumer Products, Marvel Comics, Hasbro Toys, ABC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, DreamWorks/PDI, The School of Visual Arts, Peking University, Art Center, Nickelodeon i LeapFrog.


[ENG] In July 2018 we had pleasure to organise FORCE Drawing Workshops, introduced for the first time in Poland by Michael Mattesi, author of the FORCE Drawing Method and Books! It was a unique opportunity to take part in workshops held for animators of studios such as PixarDisney or DreamWorks!

Michael Mattesi lives in California. For over 20 years he has contributed his skills on numerous award-winning projects in the Entertainment Industry (Concept Art Director, Senior Art Director, Figure Drawing Instructor, Freelance Director, Production Designer, Storyboard Artist, Layout Artist, Animator, Freelance Illustrator) and instructed FORCE Drawing to animators and other artists at various animation studios and art schools. A brief client list includes Pixar, Walt Disney Feature Animation, Walt Disney Consumer Products, Marvel Comics, Hasbro Toys, ABC, Microsoft, Electronic Arts, DreamWorks/PDI, The School of Visual Arts, Peking University, Art Center, Nickelodeon and LeapFrog.


Oto jak było: / This is how it was:




"FORCE: Basics" (term. I)

16-17.06 (sob-ndz), godz. 10:00-18:00 - warsztaty 2-dniowe, termin I
JUN 16-17 (Sat-Sun), 10:00 AM-6:00 PM - 2 day workshop, term I

miejsce/location: hotel Campanille Wrocław Centrum

"FORCE It!"  

16.06 (sob), godz. 19:00-21:30 - wykład 2,5h
JUN 16 (Sat), 7:00 PM-9:30 PM - 2,5h lecture

miejsce/location: hotel Campanille Wrocław Centrum

"FORCE: Basics" (term. II) 

19-20.06 (wto-śro), godz. 10:00-18:00 - warsztaty 2-dniowe, termin II 
JUN 19-20 (Tue-Wed), 10:00 AM-6:00 PM - 2 day workshop, term II

miejsce/location: Uniwerytet SWPS

"FORCE: Anatomy"  

21-22.06 (czw-pt), godz. 10:00-18:00 - warsztaty 2-dniowe, wyłącznie dla uczestników FORCE: Basics (termin I lub II)
JUN 21-22 (Thu-Fri), 10:00 AM-6:00 PM - 2 day workshop, only for those who completed FORCE: Basics (term I or II)

miejsce/location: Uniwerytet SWPS

UWAGA: Warsztaty i wykład w całości w języku angielskim!

ATTENTION: Workshops and Lecture are entirely in English


Mike Mattesi o warsztatach FORCE Workshops /
Mike Mattesi's Introduction to FORCE Workshops 

FORCE workshops are exciting, educational and inspiring. I do my very best to deliver clear and insightful knowledge to students through demonstrations, group lectures and individual instruction. My twenty six years of experience give me the ability to immediately decipher a student’s work. I quickly assess their ability and what skills they most need to work on in order to move forward to their next step.

Students leave the workshops with new sight and a clear understanding of how amazing and FORCEFUL the world around them really is.


Mike Mattesi


FORCE: Basics

[PL] Warsztaty podstawowe to nauka patrzenia na postać, analizowania i rysowanie jej poprzez zrozumienie działających w niej sił (FORCEFUL function). Poczuj, jak to jest rysować postać jakbyś prowadził samochód wyścigowy! Te intensywne, dwudniowe warsztaty wypełnione są demonstracjami oraz korektami indywidualnymi i grupowymi, które pobudzają ciekawość i uczą obserwowania sił (FORCE), form i kształtów. Zobacz je w otaczającym Cię świecie, poznając jednocześnie sekrety designu kształtów i tworzenia poczucia głębi na płaszczyźnie kartki.

[ENG] The foundation workshop inspires you to see, analyze and draw the model through an understanding of FORCEFUL function. Feel what it is like to draw the figure as though you were driving a race-car! Exciting demonstrations, individual and class critiques drive curiosity and learning of FORCE, Form and Shape design in this two day, intense workshop. Discover FORCE in the world around you while also learning the secrets to shape design and tips and tricks to create depth on the page.


FORCE: Anatomy

[PL] Doskonałe uzupełnienie warsztatów FORCE Basics. Skupimy się na tym, jak każdy obszar ludzkiego ciała funkcjonuje w relacji do całej postaci. Naucz się widzieć anatomię poprzez zrozumienie jej funkcji i działania. Podczas tych dwudniowych warsztatów nauczysz się dostrzegać w mięśniach pod powierzchnią ciała relacje sił (FORCE) i rysować anatomię zgodną z wyrazem całej pozy, bez utraty jej energii.

[ENG] A perfect compliment to the FORCE Basics Workshop, we now look at how each region of the human body functions relative to the entire figure. Learn to see anatomy through a new understanding of how it works. During the two days you will learn all the surface anatomy, how muscles relate to each other through FORCE and how to efficiently draw the anatomy to express FORCE and sustain the figure’s energy.



[PL] To wykład o bardzo osobistym, motywacyjnym charakterze, podczas którego Michael dzieli się doświadczeniami swego życia jako artysty. Słuchając barwnych historii zobaczysz, jak jego metody FORCE Drawing wspierały go na obranej drodze, a potem odnajdziesz w sobie gotowość by przejąć kontrolę nad swoim życiem i patrzeć na świat inaczej niż dotychczas.

[ENG] This personal and motivational lecture shares Michael’s life experiences as an artist. You will learn how his numerous tools in FORCE drawing have supported his life while he discusses candid stories that will leave you ready to take charge of your life and see in new found ways.


Opinie uczestników warsztatów FORCE Workshops /
What Former FORCE Workshop Attendees have to say

I want to give you a HUGE thanks to yesterday's lecture.. it was really wonderful & the animators received a lot of benefit from it. I feel like you really taught us a lot of great techniques, and personally I really got a sense of what I could do to help our poses read much stronger. I especially liked the discussions on force (AWESOME!) and watching you draw over our poses to see what your thought process was. It was incredibly inspiring to see your work, I found myself often glancing over at your quick drawing and going "oh crap!" and then working harder to discover the lines I wanted. I really feel like the animators progressed quite a bit yesterday, even those of us who aren't the best at illustration. :)

Oh, and just so you know.. the animators were already asking when you'd be back for more. :)
Thanks so much for putting so much thought and energy into the class, I really appreciate it!

-Jason S, Lead Animator @DreamWorks

First off I want to thank you so much for the workshop. It was great working with you on it and everything went great.
I’m sure you have inspired us all to strive for better.

Once again Thank you,

Fabian M

After you lectured we spoke and I said I appreciated you putting yourself out there for us and talking about things that are greater than drawing, but I wanted to stress again just how much I felt that was important. Lots of kids look up to great artists as having always been great, and your life story was very uplifting and humanizing. I know some people were only looking for drawing techniques, but what you told everyone was so much better. With any luck, at least one person in the audience felt like 'hey, I can do this' after you talked about believing in yourself and how far just believing has taken you. You're the first lecturer I've truly thanked for sharing, and I look forward to the book if you decide to publish one based on this lecture.

Nicole R

Today, I was expecting a demo of your methods. The information that you gave today, however, was as equally important as any instruction. I am still reeling from the mixture of personal anecdotes and candid real-world experiences. It was extremely informative and I feel as though it addressed many questions and fears that we as animation students face. I can't stop talking about it to my wife.

Carlos N

Hey Mike,

I'd just like to thank you again for coming out. A TON of people were coming up to me and talking about how much they enjoyed your lecture!

Thanks again,





tel. 506 135 804

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